BackUp Maker

BackUp Maker
Version history
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Important notes
Main window
Main menu
Backup Wizard
File selection
Filter options
Execution interval
Execution warranty
Backup type
Extended settings
Security settings
Procedure before/after backup
Split backup
Target directory
Backup name
Restore Wizard
Files list
Order & support

Topic: Procedure before/after backup

Quite often it is necessary before or after a backup to launch specific applications or batch files. To make this easier, BackUp Maker has a built-in actions list.

Button: Add

Use the Add button to add a new action to the actions list. Clicking on the Add button takes you to the action settings. These are described below.

Option: Execute action

Actions may be executed before or after the backup. Choose between these two options.

Option: Type of action

BackUp Maker offers a number of action types which are described below.

Option: Load file

The Load file option lets you load/launch a file of your choice. Immediately after loading the file, BackUp Maker starts the next action or initiates the backup operation.

Option: Load file + wait for end

To load a file and wait for it to end, select the Load file + wait for end option. In this case, the backup starts only once the file has been closed.

Option: Close Microsoft« Outlook

While Outlook is active, its files cannot be accessed. If you wish to back up any Outlook files you have to perform this action before the backup.

Option: Windows Reboot

Select the Windows Reboot option if you wish to restart Windows once the backup is finished.

Option: Windows Shutdown

If you wish to shut down Windows after the backup, select this option.

Option: Windows Standby

In order to set Windows to standby mode after the backup, select this option.

Option: Start Microsoft« Outlook

Use this option if you wish to start Outlook automatically once the backup has finished.

Option: Print backup report

Use this option if you wish to print the backup report on your default printer.

Option: Send backup report (e-mail)

In order to send the backup report by e-mail, select this option.

Input box: File to be executed / Recipient

If you have previously selected one of the option Load file or Load file + wait for end, you can enter the name of the file to be loaded by BackUp Maker here. Make sure you use the correct path.

Example: c:\program files\microsoft\word 2000\word.exe

In case that option "Send backup report (e-mail)" has been selected, you can enter the recipient's e-mail address here.

Input box: Parameter / Subject

If you wish to use any start parameters with this file, enter them into this box. Make sure you use the correct parameters.

In case that option "Send backup report (e-mail)" has been selected, you can enter the e-mail subject here.

Button: Apply

To apply the selected settings, click on the Apply button. This inserts the action into the actions list.

Button: Cancel

To discard the selected settings, click on the Cancel button. This will cancel all changes that you have made.

Button: Delete

If you wish to remove any actions from the list, select them and then click on the Delete button.

Object: Actions list

The actions list contains all actions that you have created. The actions are executed in the sequence shown (from top to bottom). For how to change the sequence, read the description further down (popup menu: Actions list).

If you wish to edit an action, double-click on it with the left mouse button. This loads the settings of the action which you can then edit.

If you wish to delete an action, select it and then press the Del key on your keyboard. Alternatively, click on the Delete button above the actions list.

Popup menu: Actions list

Right-clicking on the actions list opens up a popup menu containing the following commands.

Option: Edit

Loads the settings for the selected action. To confirm the changes you make, click on the Apply button.

Option: Move up

Moves the selected action one position up.

Option: Move down

Moves the selected action one position down.

Copyright ⌐ 2002-2007
ASCOMP Software GmbH,